The Medical History Museum founded in 2011 within the structure of the Medical University of Warsaw (WUM), following the solutions introduced at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the University of Vienna, is planning to shortly introduce coordination of protection and display of the historic tangible heritage of the school. In both Berlin and Vienna in the early 21st century the project of university collection inventory was launched. Just over several years it yielded a large-scale digitizing process, foundation of theme websites, publications, and organization of temporary exhibitions promoting the historic university collections. The Association of University Museums established in Poland in 2014 has for several years been drawing inspiration from the German and Austrian models. The WUM Medical History Museum, resorting to the experience of the Berlin and Vienna universities, has applied numerous ideas for the integration of the historic collections, their identification, and recreation. Following the history of medical collections in Warsaw from the 1st half of the 19th century up to contemporary times, the Author analyses the model for this museum strategy, while also presenting examples of dangers resulting from the mismanagement of university historic heritage.