Introduction: Pro-health behaviour is a direct factor determining one?s health. Each individual has different convictions and knowledge which impose on him/her different lifestyle. In adolescence pro-health behaviours acquired in earlier life are settled, and later carried into one?s adult life. Education, shaping and strengthening of pro-health behaviours and habits should be one of the most significant assignments of military service. Such habits are more efficient when they are practised not only in domestic environment but also during military training. Health is the most important value in everybody?s life. One?s health condition often depends on one?s appreciation of that value and style of life. Development of civilisation involves urbanisation and technological changes, which in turn lead to alterations in way and style of life. Aim: To determine role of health in declared system of values in context of pro-health education of soldiers. Material and method: The research was carried out among candidates for professional soldiers at the Military Academy of Land Forces in Wrocław in 2011. The tool of analysis was the List of Personal Values by Juczyński. Results: Good health, identified with physical fitness and good mental shape was on the first place among the most essential personal values. Conclusion: There is a necessity for making better use of knowledge on education and health promotion in the process of military training.