News about the death of Piotr Ogrodzki came so suddenly that it lethus numb. A good and unique person passed away – a lawyer, an expert on historical monuments, a theoretician on securing works of art, a sensitive soul. His loss is irreparable. Having known Piotr for years as a modest person shying from acclaim I am aware that he would not have wanted to become the topic of written reminiscences. On the other hand, it is our duty to express gratitude to men of merit and pay homage in return for all that they did for us. In this way, we demonstrate our respect, admiration and appreciation. Piotr Ogrodzki never sought popularity. He performed tasks, which he regarded as his duty as best and as thoroughly as possible. His persistence and systematic approach were an example for others and he remained worthy of high regard and emulation. The presence of such an exceptional person was auspicious for cultural Heritage ants Protection. Piotr Ogrodzki cultivated contacts and interpersonal relations and performed good deeds wherever possible - in state and Church institutions, both domestic and foreign. Concerned with the fate of historical monuments, he did not spare efforts to ensure their protection, especially those featured in churches and museums; many of them owe their present-day existence to his endeavours. Upon the basis of our years-long acquaintanceship and meetings of two colleagues I consider Piotr to be one of those men of the Church particularly concerned with the sacral cultural heritage of the Polish nation. Whenever feasible he offered assistance and counsel – via consultations and lectures – to a considerable number of parish priests and those members of the clergy entrusted with museums. While organising the Diocesan Museum in Opole I too benefited from his advice, for which I am eternally grateful. A person close to all of us, whose work touched the mystery of BEAUTY, has gone to the House of the Father.