The author analysed two weeklies which represent two different political preferences and contradictory world views: “Gazeta Polska” and “Nie”. The analyses covered the dates from April 15th 2010 to September 16th 2010 – the main period of conflict on the Smolensk Cross, which ended with its moving to the Chapel in the Presidential Palace, against the protests of “the defenders of the Cross”. The methods used were qualitative content and discourse analysis. The author assumed to find interpretative repertoires concerning the Smolensk Cross and “their defenders”.The author found major differences in the viewing and interpreting of reality in the texts of the two analyzed weeklies. “Gazeta Polska” interpreted “defending the Cross” in a patriotic and heroic way, whereas “Nie” described the conflict in a satirical and ironic way. The Smolensk Cross is interpreted by “Gazeta Polska” as a symbol of Christianity and Poland, whereas the “Nie” interprets it as a pop-cultural sign. The author claims that the cross is not the symbolic centre of Poland. In his opinion the cross is a centre of cultural and symbolic conflict in Poland and elsewhere.