Neighborhood watch or citizens watch is a very essential and very effective way of fighting and preventing various crimes. The forms of implementing these ideas vary depending on a country and characteristics of a given society or a particular group. However there are plenty solutions that can be implemented universally without any special training or founds. In this article we shall introduce some samples of neighborhood watch activities as seen in contemporary Japan, consider cultural and social background of such movements and suggest some reasons, why these, quite simple ideas, are worth introducing in other countries, where they should also work helping to make law enforcement forces’ tasks easier and their efforts more effective.In the article we shall also explain that for this kind of crime prevention activities it is necessary to educate any given society on their own responsibilities and various kinds of ways that they can get involved in the very task of making their neighborhoods safer and friendlier. Once citizens are aware of the effectiveness of their own actions and the support they can get from the police, they should be happy to try any proven ways of neighborhood watch or develop new, suitable for their particular needs and conditions, ways of making their environment safer.