Children grow up surrounded by new technologies, which obviously affects their entire childhood. Observing the closest environment – family and school – children undergo digital socialization and learn that by means of new technologies you can interact with society. They quickly notice that new technologies make it easier to enter peer relationships, but they can also pose a kind of danger by generating negative phenomena. Early school age children's perception of such entering into social relations with the help of new technologies has become the subject of research presented in the article. To answer the research problems set out in the text, I used the method of focus interview conducted on a group of nine-year-olds (5 groups of 3 children in each group). Based on the data obtained, I came to the conclusion that the social relations in which the child enters with the help of new technologies are just as important and significant for a child as those that take place directly. They allow children to integrate on the basis of common interests and experiences, but at the same time they can also be the cause of social exclusion or can lead to giving a specific rank to a peer group. On the one hand, they prove to be helpful – by strengthening social skills acquired offline, they are also a place where a child rejected by peers finds support. On the other hand, for other children, they can cause a build-up of their problems: can cause exclusion and increase feelings of loneliness. Undoubtedly, they change the way children spend their free time, which increasingly takes place with the help of new technologies. However, the way of entering social interactions does not change – usually relationships are initiated in the offline world but developed and maintained in the online world thanks to new technologies.