In 988, prince Volodymyr took up the great epochal challenges of faith and grace, making the salvifi c secret of the Baptism of the Ruthenians and other Slav peoples inhabiting the vast lands of Kievan Rus. This is the most important breakthrough moment of the act of conversion and the process of Christianization, opening the Christian epoch throughout Russia and including Kievan Rus in the civilization of countries of the early Middle Ages. It is hard to overestimate the importance of these „plural” monasteries, council schools and libraries for the further development of Kievan Rus. After all, they were the driving force of the missionary work of Cyril and Methodius, they promoted and disseminated the religion and Christian principles of life and co-existence, created works conducive to the formation of Rusin’s personality of „new times” and at the same time satisfying the whole of his religious, social and cultural needs. The missionary work of Cyril and Methodius in Rus – Ukraine gave Kyiv Christianity the hallmarks of universality, thus opening up the possibility of bringing together and playing the role of a bridge between Christian East and West and drawing a full hand on the heritage of civilization and culture. Literature, art and science of both the East and the West. It is no coincidence, therefore, that Kiev fulfi lled an honorable role of „the mother of Ruthenian cities,” and at the same time as Constantinople was perceived as the „New Jerusalem”. It is the fruit of the idea of the apostolicity of Kiev realized by the rulers of Rus-Ukraine for over two centuries, which experienced its „Golden Age” of development.