Use of fairy tales as a therapeutic tool dates back to ancient times because Greeks already used fairy tales as a tool to impact human emotions, attitudes and behavior. By fairy tales, children make a parallel between themselves and the protagonists and through the protagonists’ experiences they develop their own cognitive, emotional or social competencies necessary to deal with specifi c situations in their own lives. Interestingly – as stressed by B. Bettelheim – children select from fairy tales things they are ready for, what they can handle at a given moment, at the level they need. Fairy tales are therefore an important tool for children to learn about the world and I would even say that they are “tools for social and cultural decoding” which help children to get to know and understand the adult world. On the other hand, they are tools that enables adults to discover what is happening in the children’s minds of. Thus, a question arises, what kinds of therapeutic fairy tales exist. How to prepare a fairy tale? How can they be used in everyday educational work? This article presents a method of preparing a therapeutic fairy tale and examples of using fairy tales in educational work with children.