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2020 | XI(2(31)) | 263-297

Article title

Democratic revolution in school


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In this article one of my purpose is to analyse how in present capitalist system school is used to fulfill the economic goals rather than teach the students how to achieve the ability to critical think. This leads us to the new totalitarian global society in which particular countries are ruled by financial corporations instead of self-governing civil societies. Important ideas for which people once died in battles on barricades started to be forgotten and replaced by the desire for continuous profit. The current capitalist system is responsible for this tragic situation, because he does everything he can to indoctrinate and adapt young people to their role of future consumers. Schools and students are becoming more and more commodified. They started to look on each other and shape their interaction in the name of profit - not development. State is used and controlled by financial circles that want only new subordinated worker force that don’t have the ability to change organization of the rules by which society works. Education has become one of the main tools to make enslaved people. We must construct new hegemonic projects in school that reject existing neoliberal hegemony on services of capital and create, in each grade of the compulsory system of the education, circumstances in which students can learn democratic ideas, debate and implement these ideas in their later lives. Schools are no places to commodify people and prepare them for work but spaces in which we learn how to criticize, reshape and construct new modes of reality in society in which we are exist. In order to create that conditions we must begin with the new global hegemonic project that combine democratic and socialist traditions to overcome the logic of commodification.





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