It is not always easy to determine the boundary between the educational and promotion-oriented activity pursued by museums. It has become a custom to link staff members responsible for those tasks and the tasks themselves, going on the assumption that their work is extremely similar and targets - concurrent. In smaller museums the same person frequently deals with both titular functions fulfilled by the institution, because they share numerous features: work with the public, position in the organisational structures, joint targets and, possibly the most prominent, corresponding projects. Despite all these similarities, there exists an essential difference between employees dealing with education and promotion. The latter is addressed to society as a whole, while education - to that part, which decided to come to the museum as a result of an off er prepared by staff members involved in education and suitably presented by those responsible for promotion. There are quite a few cooperation points, but also instances where misunderstandings may occur between promotion and education. By carrying out the joint mission of the whole museum and heeding group reflections, these departments, probably the most creative in a given museum, can to a considerable degree mould relations with the public and the position held by the museum on the map of cultural institutions.