The article is devoted to the legal situation of people in a crisis of homelessness from the perspective of the implementation of human and citizen rights. To this end, the law was reviewed in the scope of satisfying housing needs, the possibility of obtaining an ID card, employment, active voting rights and health care. These are, of course, only selected areas in which the particular situation of homeless people is reflected. Attempts have been made to indicate that the legislator, as a rule, takes into account the specific conditions of existence of homeless people by introducing regulations that allow them to use the full catalogue of human rights and freedoms while respecting the principle of non-discrimination due to the lack of housing or residence. Despite this, there are still areas where the welfare of homeless people is not properly protected. The reason for this situation are difficulties in the practical implementation of solutions contained in normative acts, imprecise legal provisions, as well as the very diverse situation of people experiencing homelessness.