Police Academy in Szczytno as a university applies for grants for scientific projects and education activities under national and international calls for proposals. To a large extent, the Academy, as part of national resources, participates in competitions of the National Centre for Research and Development, but also in national and regional operational programmes. The research carried out primarily has the nature of applied and industrial research carried out for the benefit of industry or development works for specific recipients from the area of generally understood security. The obtained European funds are primarily projects implemented under the 7th Framework Program, and currently mainly within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme in the area of security. Police Academy in Szczytno is an active recipient of financial resources from European sources, mainly under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Police Academy in Szczytno is a member of scientific and industrial consortia implementing projects mainly in the fields of security, cybersecurity, organized crime and terrorism, and education of law enforcement officers. Police Academy in Szczytno has a highly qualified scientific and teaching staff and modern infrastructure, which enables the Academy to apply for funds under European programmes. This article presents five projects carried out by the Police Academy in Szczytno as part of European Union research programmes. The authors of the article provide overview of the characteristics of projects implemented in international consortia, discuss their goals and assumptions and indicate the potential ways of utilizing the developed solutions and project results.