Purpose: To investigate influence of sweet grass and blackcurrant beverages on the level of free as well as phospholipid fatty acids and MDA - lipid peroxidation product in the brain of rats intoxicated with ethanol (28 days). Materials and methods: Fatty acids profile in the rat brain was determined by gas chromatography while MDA level was examined by HPLC. Results: Alcohol intoxication contributed to increase in the level of the most of free as well as phospholipid fatty acids (saturated and unsaturated). The above changes are accompanied by a significant increase in the lipid peroxidation product – MDA. Similarly, drinking the sweet grass beverage as well as black currant juice leads to an increase in the level of the most of free as well as phospholipid fatty acids [saturated and unsaturated] while the increase after drinking of the black currant juice was higher than after sweet grass. Intoxication of rats drinking both natural beverages causes diminution of all fatty acids level while changes after black currant juice are more significant than after sweet grass. The level of MDA in the brain of rats intoxicated with ethanol and drinking natural beverages is lower than in the ethanol group. Conclusions: Beverages of sweet grass and to a higher degree black berries partially prevent distur-bances in the brain fatty acids level and protects lipids against peroxidation caused by chronic ethanol intoxication.