1. Objective The objective of the article is to present the need to take action for the benefit of cultural security in view of its contemporary threats. The values cherished within the framework of cultural heritage are handed down from generation to generation and in this respect it is necessary to act ceaselessly for the benefit of cultural security, which is aimed not only at the protection of existing cultural achievements, but also at facilitating its constant development. 2. Introduction Cultural security has a significant influence on the security as a value and it is linked to continuous human development, which manifests itself, for instance, in development of culture. It has its roots in cultural threats, which have been present for thousands of years and which result from armed invasions, colonial conquests, meetings of cultures and mass migrations of population. Cultural security can be examined from two perspectives: the first one (national) is closely related to military, economic, ecological and political security, and the other one (social) appears as a group of elements expressing threat for the nation or its part, ethnic group, language, cultural achievements in material terms, and in terms of tradition and customs. 3. Methodology The author defines cultural security and identifies its threats, including, in particular, multiculturalism and related globalisation, migrations (especially from the east to the west) and refugeeism, economic diversification of societies, climate changes as well as pillage, theft and illegal trading in cultural goods. When describing each of the identified threats, the author not only presents the protective action taken (both preventive and consequent), but also tries to search for new methods of protection, emphasising the need for broad cooperation between national authorities, local government and non-governmental organisations. 4. Conclusions The author proves that cultural heritage and cultural security are both exposed to many threats, including, in particular, globalisation and demographic relations. To recapitulate, the author emphasises that action must be taken both by countries and government organisations to protect cultural heritage and cultural security, and that it is essential to actively support in this respect international activity (particularly the activity under the auspices of the United Nations) and non-governmental organisations.