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2020 | 37(37) | 9-29

Article title

Contemporary Methodology Used in the Ethics of Security



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The ethics of security, a sub-field of security studies, uses the same methods as the philosophy and logic of security, but emphasises its different aspects. Methods used in philosophy and logic are “a path to the truth”, whereas methods used in ethics are “a path to the good”. The aim of ethics is not cognition but actions that are proper and ethical. Nowadays, the ethics of security uses mainly three methods: the humanistic, inventive and intuitive method. The author discusses not only the above mentioned main methods, but also secondary methods used in the contemporary ethics of security: the heuristic, phenomenological, semantic, empirical, functionalist, actualistic, pragmatic, reductive, deductive and dialectic method. The contemporary methodology used in the ethics of security focuses on the attitude of man to man and directs the attention of general ethics to this aspect. However, the moral value of certain actions, as well as the methodology itself, are subject to change. Without noticing this phenomenon and being aware of it, it is impossible to face the contemporary challenges of the ethics of security nor to be an active security entity.



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Publication order reference


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