The motives of serial killers have always been in the forefront of people’s interest. A mentally healthy person cannotconceive what makes serial killers commit their repeated brutal crimes. Bedwetting, arson and torturing of animals couldbe appalling phenomena from childhood according to the characterization of the Macdonald triad. Childhood imprinting,and the environmential circumstances of the perpetrators are also substantial factors as Edwin H Sutherland reckons. Childhoodtrauma may create irreversible changes in the structure of the brain, due to which it begins to think in a different way. Froma neurophysiological aspect, brain damage, the abnormality of brain waves and the dysfunction of brain workings can berevealed in most cases. There is disharmony in the structure of their psyche, therefore their reactions are pathological. Theirdissociative attitude, and identity disorder may derive from lack of parental rearing and a guilty conscience This study is meantto reveal the basic childhood, mental and environmental roots, along with the motivating factors of their actions. Primarily,it outlines the concept of serial killing, and enumerates the diverse types of serial killers and their aftermath. The motivationsare also grouped and supported by the actions, unstable family history and the methods of perpetration of the most notoriouscases.