The breast cancer is the most frequent form of cancer in the women population. The possibility for the reduction rates of death from the cancer of breast depends on the convenient detection on an initial stage when the rates of survival are higher. The frequency of appearance of malignant neoplasms increases abruptly afterwards the age of 40 years. The careful receiving of a medical history as well as the careful natural examination of breasts, these constitute the initial steps of investigation of the problem. The precocious detection and diagnosis of breast cancer are achieved mainly with the self-examination of breasts from the woman, the palpation of breasts from doctor or other health professional. The investigation of breast diseases with the modern imaging study methods is considered today very important parameter for their diagnosis. The imaging study methods that are used today are the mammography, the ultra-sonography and magnetic tomography. Risk factors are sex, age, race, socio-economic level, region of residence, heredity, hormones, reproduction, physical exercise and radiation. The Health Promotion is focused in the total of population in the frames of his daily life using a wide spectrum of methods and techniques, by giving information, changing behavior and improving people to undertake the responsibility for his care of health. Informative programs in the general population with regard to the factors of danger and the beneficial results of precocious diagnosis, can decrease the mortality and increase the survival.