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2016 | 24(2) | 147-160

Article title

Wroclaw Agglomeration Attractiveness as a Source of Competitive Advantage for Enterprises

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Investment attractiveness is one of the most important factors affecting the level of development and competitiveness of the various areas on a national and international scale. Therefore, the aim of this article is to assess the impact of the investment attractiveness of the Wroclaw area to create a competitive advantage for investors in the light of classic and new theories. Conducting the first of such comprehensive studies made it possible to identify the critical factors of the investment attractiveness of the Wroclaw area that generate the competitive advantage of companies. The most important of these factors recognized by the investors were: (i) potential and quality of labour resources: engineers and specialists, (ii) knowledge of foreign languages by residents/workers, (iii) the level of public safety, (iv) potential and quality of labour resources: managers and (v) labour costs: engineers and specialists. In addition, the following factors were identified as primary reasons for the location of investments in the Wrocław Agglomeration: (i) the availability of qualified human resources (engineers) and a variety of academic potential, (ii) the location advantages, transport accessibility and connectivity, (iii) cost of conducting business with a particular focus on labour costs. The study confirmed that thanks to the location in the Wroclaw Agglomeration the investors gain both classic and new kinds of competitive advantage based on resources. A combination of these components provides a solid basis for allowing more dynamic growth and gaining a competitive advantage both throughout the Wroclaw region and by enterprises operating on its territory.





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