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2001 | LIV | 54 | 25-36

Article title

Wschodnie tereny kultury przeworskiej w młodszym okresie przedrzymskim


Title variants

Eastern Territories of the Przeworsk Culture in the Late Pre-Roman Period

Languages of publication



A stable settlement of the Przeworsk Culture in eastern Poland took place, probably, later than in the western Poland. Long lasting cemeteries were founded in the East not until the end of phase A1 or at the beginning of the phase A2. The Przeworsk Culture existed on the territories partly occupied by people of the Cloche Grave Culture, however an exact date of an end of that culture is still uncertain. At the eastern Mazovia and Podlasie sites of that culture were located at the same area as the late Pre-Roman Przeworsk Culture sites. Graves from the cemeteries in Warszawa–Żerań and at Stare Koczargi may indicate that the Cloche Grave Culture cemeteries, in their latest phase, could be sporadically used by the Przeworsk Culture people for their burials according to the new rite with weapons and personal ornaments. The situation in the Lublin Upland occupied by the Przeworsk Culture to a small extent only and without previous distinct concentration of the Pomeranian Culture is rather unclear. The delay in stable set of the Przeworsk Culture in the eastern Poland was probably due to the presence of a third element – the Jastorf Culture. The most numerous sites, which produced pottery of Jastorf type, are located in the wide belt along the Bug river (Fig. 2). They may be linked with a migration of the Bastarni towards the Black Sea and origin of the Poieneşti--Lukaševka Culture. Other specimens typical for the Jastorf Culture, like clay spoons (Dobryń Mały) and firedogs (Feuerböcke) (Leszczany?, Wytyczno, Tomasze, Haćki), were recently found in the eastern Poland. Finds of that kind are numerous between Wieprz and Bug (Fig. 2). Some of them could be generally dated, based on the finds from closed assemblages with fragments of the Przeworsk Culture vessels, to the phases A1–A2. It is however not possible to distinguish if they were contemporary or earlier comparing with the dense Przeworsk Culture settlement in Mazovia and Podlasie in the phase A2. Graves of the Zarubintsy Culture are known from the region of Polesie Lubelskie. They should however be dated to the phase A3 or even early Roman Period. In my opinion the Przeworsk Culture and the Zarubintsy Culture formed two separated groups without much mutual contacts, and with southern influences coming from quite different regions. Recent results of investigation on the large cemeteries in Mazovia and Podlasie (Kamieńczyk, Oblin, Arbasy) confirmed a little later beginning of the Przeworsk Culture in this region, comparing with the western Poland. A cemetery in Warszawa–Wilanów founded in the phase A1 is an exception, other cemeteries begun in the phase A2, that is in the horizon of brooches type K and later forms of types A and B, and lasted usually to the end of the early Roman Period. Correlation and distribution of the iron brooches type H and K and bronze brooches type G suggest that the beginning of the phase A2 in the Przeworsk culture is indicated by the brooches type K. They occurred till the end of that phase, or even little longer. Brooches of type H could be found in the Przeworsk Culture not before the late phase A2, so later then in the territories of the Jastorf Culture. Brooches type H could be adopted from the Jastorf culture, at the time when the Gubin group ceased to exist and the western reaches of the Przeworsk Culture had been abandoned. From Mazovia and Podlasie only scarce finds of very early types of brooches and weaponry are known, coming from graves of undetermined culture, e.g. a sword from Warszawa–Żerań or a brooch from Stare Koczargi or loose finds like an enormously long lance point from Tuchlin (Fig. 1) and a brooch from Warszawa Dotrzyma (Fig. 3b). All these specimens are made in the style of the phase La Tene C1. These graves could be connected with the earliest settlement of the Przeworsk Culture. Another brooch of an early type was found in a grave, of undetermined culture, from Wólka Zamkowa (Fig. 3c). Similar brooches are known from the graves dated to phase LT B/C1 and the beginning of the phase LT C from the Celtic cemeteries in the Carpathian Basin. A brooch of such type was recently found in Koczów (Fig. 3d). Other Celtic imports such as glass beads, iron bracelets, brooches type Almgren 65, wheel-made pottery and some imitations, glass bracelets (Fig. 4), spurs (Fig. 5) were found in Mazovia and Podlasie. Most interesting group form iron brooches type J and Nauheim brooches – 23 specimens of that kind were found on 9 cemeteries. Such brooches are lacking on the rest of the Przeworsk Culture territory, while they are quite common in the Oksywie Culture sites on the lower Vistula; such distribution may be linked with the depopulation of the western zone of the Przeworsk Culture. Nauheim brooches made of iron are typical for Bohemian Basin and, especially, Moravia. Their finds from areas north of the Carpathian Mts. evidenced the role of the Vistula river as a route in the contacts with the Celtic world. Concluding it seems that the distinct features of the eastern part of the Przeworsk Culture in the late Pre-Roman Period was the fact of its later beginning, strong connections with the Jastorf and the Oksywie Cultures and direct links with the South via Tyniec group, more intensive from the end of the phase A2. Presence of the Jastorf elements in Eastern Poland confirms an expansion from their homeland in Northern Germany and in Jutland Peninsula towards Moldavia and Bessarabia, and strengthens the possibility of the migration of the tribes of Bastarni and Skiri through territories north of the Carpathians.








Physical description




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