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2001 | LIV | 54 | 59-87

Article title

Wschodnia strefa kultury przeworskiej – próba definicji


Title variants

The Eastern Zone of Przeworsk Culture – an Attempt at Definition

Languages of publication



The Przeworsk Culture existing for over 600 hundred years was, and actually still is recognised because of its chronological and territorial stability as an archaeological unit quite unique in Barbaricum. However, some peculiarities of the east-Przeworsk areas were noticed already although they hardly could have been analysed or even determined explicitly (T. Dąbrowska 1981a; 1981b; T. Dąbrowska, T. Liana 1986). Excavations on the Przeworsk Culture area east of the Vistula of the last 25 years have revealed a great number of well-dated sites, including several large cemeteries of some hundreds grave each (e.g. Niedanowo, Modła, Kołoząb, Kleszewo, Krupice, Kamieńczyk, Łajski, Nadkole, Oblin, Arbasy, Załubice). However, the most part of uncovered material still remains unpublished, or even not worked up. In the light of these surveys eastern Mazovia and Podlasie densely settled in the early Roman Period, particularly in the end of phase B1 and in phase B2 seems to be mostly interesting (Fig. 1). Although archaeological data from this territory corresponds in general with the standard of the Przeworsk Culture, it differs from the latter by some individual traits. However, the area cannot be recognised neither as an archaeological culture standing apart from the Przeworsk Culture nor even as a distinct local group of the latter. To define it I suggest the name the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture, attributing to this term both cultural and geographical meaning. Distinct features of the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture are expressed most of all in female costume, remarkably rich in comparison with western part of the culture. In phase B2 objects of copper alloy were preferred in this costume, while in western reaches of the Przeworsk Culture flourished manufacturing of iron ornaments based on local stylistic patterns. Distinction of the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture is exemplified by distribution of particular fibula types. For instance, in the east-Przeworsk zone there is a large number of eye brooches of Prussian series – over than 220 specimens have been recovered there so far (Fig. 2), of which cemeteries at Niedanowo, Modła, Kamieńczyk and Nadkole yielded even 30–40 specimens each. Number of distinct varieties of these brooches confirms their local manufacturing and stylistic evolution (Fig. 3). Eye fibulae dispersed all over much larger remaining territory of the Przeworsk Culture make no more than 30% of the number of brooches found east of the Vistula. Fibulae combining attributes of Almgren’s group IV and eastern series of group II make a local type distinctive for the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture (Fig. 5), where they were worn by adult women (J.Andrzejowski 1994a). Most of these brooches have the free end of the spring attached to the aperture on the head and formed into an ornamental knob. Such feature is also a common element of some early spring-cover fibulae of type Almgren 38-39 chiefly from the east-Przeworsk zone and the Wielbark Culture (Fig. 4). Bronze brooches derived from profiled trumpet--headed specimens (T. Dąbrowska 1995a), make another distinctive regional group. As a result of local evolution two variants arose: older one with still close affinities to the trumpet-headed fibulae, referred to as their type 5. (Fig. 6), and younger one with apparently simplified profile, referred to as their Mazovian variant (Fig. 7). In the western reaches of this zone some solid iron fibulae, being local varieties of Almgren’s group II and V. As a characteristic feature they have a spring hidden in a tubular encasement. However, the main area of their distribution locates west of the middle Vistula river (Fig. 8). Typical trait of the east-Przeworsk female costume is a large number of ornaments, mostly bracelets and long necklaces of diverse beads and pendants. Besides numerous melon-shaped beads of so-called Egyptian faience preserved in the cremation graves in relatively good condition very often are recovered beads of many-coloured glass usually, however, melted down or crushed. Probably the east-Przeworsk necklaces had been completed with some amber beads, which apparently gone during cremation. Interesting ornament feature so-called banded pendants made from a core (e.g. Cowrie shells, glass beads and balls, nuts, glass dices) winded with a narrow strap of bronze sheet. They were taken until now explicitly as result of the Wielbark Culture influences (T. Dąbrowska 1981a; 49; J. Andrzejowski 1992, 168f.). However, the earliest banded pendants from phase B1 came first of all from the Przeworsk Culture and the most part of their finds well-dated to the early Roman Period concentrate in the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture (Fig. 9). Apparently from this zone originates characteristic triangular pendants with a spring-like loop (Fig. 9) probably being a local, somewhat simplified variant of banded pendants. The Wielbark Culture or more broadly northern connections reveal large bipartite globular beads from bronze sheet decorated with engraved lines or embossed ornament (Fig. 10), like banded and triangular pendants. In the east-Przeworsk zone relatively common are also gold ball--shaped pendants and beads of silver filigree (Fig. 11). It is also Wielbark Culture where from wire S-clasps for fastening bead strings were borrowed (Fig. 12). The majority of them were produced locally from bronze, but also from silver and iron. Such iron S-clasps applied with junction loops (Fig. 12) were a local invention to secure a narrow thong used both in male and female dress (J. Andrzejowski 1997a, 110ff.). Ornament clearly differing female costume from the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture and its remaining territories are bracelets (J. Andrzejowski 1994b). Over a hundred of unprofiled bracelets found in the east-Przeworsk zone makes about 80% of all early Roman Period bracelets from the entire Przeworsk Culture (Fig. 13). Full adoption of bracelets in the standard female fashion in the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture is verified both by a diversity of bracelet types, besides unprofiled including also Pomeranian type of shield-headed bracelets, and a locally invented variant with profiled endings, so-called type Kamieńczyk (Fig. 13). Numerous bronze elements are also characteristic for the belts used in the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture, first of all strongly profiled belt-end fittings and belt links. Solid specimens mostly with reduced profile, dated chiefly to the phase B2 and known both in female and male belts predominate there (Fig. 16), unlike in the western reaches of Przeworsk Culture (cf. R. Madyda 1977, 380ff.). Very characteristic are also bronze belt links coming exclusively from the assemblages of phase B2 (Fig. 17). These elements are frequently combined to create a rich set of belt mountings dissimilar to one known from the western part of Przeworsk Culture (R. Madyda-Legutko 1984; M. Tempelmann-Mączyńska 1989, 65ff.). One may expect some northwestern affinities also in the case of uni- and bi-partite iron belt clasps from the Early Roman Period (R. Madyda-Legutko 1990). The weapons from the east-Przeworsk zone follow in general all types known from the entire Przeworsk Culture, nevertheless, some peculiarities are to be mentioned. In this zone lance points decorated with punched triangle motifs usually in so-called negative pattern seems to be relatively more frequent. This pattern amazingly resembles well-known pattern of the Early Roman Period pottery of the Wielbark Culture (Fig. 18), what was already noticed (P. Kaczanowski, J. Zaborowski 1988). It is also striking that most of the oldest Przeworsk lance points with silver inlay dated to phases B1/B2a came from its eastern zone (Fig. 20; cf. P. Kaczanowski 1988). The eastern areas of Przeworsk Culture produced also relatively many find of weapons made of bronze or with bronze elements. In this zone concentrate rare shield bosses type Jahn 7 with edges fitted in bronze and rivet-heads with bronze appliqué, quite common in the Elbian Culture and in western Scandinavia while almost missing in the western reaches of the Przeworsk Culture (T. Dąbrowska 1981a, 49; 1997, 91f.; J. Andrzejowski 1998a, 69; cf. N. Zieling 1989, 318ff., map 11). Single specimens with edges fitted in iron make a local Przeworsk Culture variety of such bosses (Fig. 19). Some features distinct for the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture are to be noticed in funeral pottery also. Among urns from phase B2 black smoothed or polished vases usually single- or three-handled seems to prevail. Ovoid or S-shaped coarse ware thick-walled urns with brownish body very common in the western part of the Przeworsk Culture are much less frequent in its eastern zone. Chronology of the large cemeteries confirms cultural meaning of this difference rather than chronological. A very typical for the eastern Przeworsk zone form of black ware urns is large, three-handled biconical vase with a triple-zone complex composition of designs consisting of three different motifs bounded by and interrupted by the handles (Fig. 21a, 22). Three handles are after all a pottery feature much more common in the territories east of the Vistula than in the remaining Przeworsk Culture area (T. Dąbrowska 1981a, 46). Another feature of the east-Przeworsk pottery is a rich ornamentation of the urns often in form of wide band of various motifs, what shows affinities to the Oksywie and early Wielbark Culture pottery (T. Dąbrowska 1995b; 1996). A variant of complex band ornamentation is the so-called narrative ornament consisting of an uninterrupted sequence of different motifs alternating in a fluid manner (Fig. 21b). Handles supported by a well-defined applied cordon sometimes forming a kind of profiled “tendrils” are also borrowed from the Wielbark Culture pottery (T. Dąbrowska 1981a, 46, fig. 2). Burial rituals of the east-Przeworsk zone follow cremation rite typical for the entire Przeworsk Culture. Lack of weapons in graves of Nidzica and Mława regions (J. Okulicz 1965; 1983; K. Godłowski 1985, 50f., 64ff.) may be connected with influences from Wielbark Culture. Very interesting although hard to explain are various stone settings known from northern and eastern Mazovian cemeteries, including quite elaborate assemblages in some way linked with burials (J. Okulicz 1970, s. 434ff.); however, most of them are yet not excavated. At the end of Przeworsk Culture in its eastern zone, i.e. in phase B2c–B2/C1a, share of poorly equipped pit burials grown up, what seems to be typical for the earliest Wielbark Culture graves in the area as well (T. Dąbrowska 1981a, 55; J. Andrzejowski 1989). Concluding we may ascertain that the Przeworsk Culture finds east of the Vistula, in Mazovia and Podlasie differ in the Early Roman Period from those of the remaining territory of this culture. The phenomenon appeared fully at the later phase B1 and increased in the phase B2. Finds from the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture testified then to strong affinity with the WielbarkCulture and northern areas of the Elbian Culture, some connections with the western Scandinavia are also noticed. Adoption of some strong foreign influences and combining them with typically Przeworsk Culture features grew up into a genuine east-Przeworsk style. Southern reach of the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture ranges approximately between the Wilga and middle Bug rivers although some east-Przeworsk features reveal in the west part of Lublin region, mostly along the Vistula, as well as west of middle Vistula, on the lower Pilica river and southwards. The nature of the east-Przeworsk zone suggest that the internal relationship of its people could have been based on their tribal difference from the population of the remaining Przeworsk Culture territory, however associated with them into an ethnic community of upper level. A distinct costume or at least some of its elements could be recognised as important sign of such self-identity. Spreading in phases B2 and B2/C1–C1a of the east-Przeworsk attributes generally south- and westwards is probably a consequence of some migrations correlated with a progressive process of cultural alteration in the territory of the eastern zone of Przeworsk Culture (T. Dąbrowska 1981a; 1981b; J. Andrzejowski 1989; cf. K. Godłowski 1985, 67ff.; 1986; A. Kokowski 1986; J. Okulicz 1989). The gradual progress of this change based doubtlessly on the former lively relationships of both cultures. Some features of the early stage of the Wielbark Culture in the newly assimilated territories east of the middle Vistula may be recognised as the result of local adoption of the Przeworsk Culture principles. They are, for instance, continuing use of some Przeworsk Culture cemeteries (J. Andrzejowski 1989), large number of cross-bow brooches made of iron (W. Nowakowski 1994), high frequency of burnt pottery in graves, including urns (e.g. Ł. & J. Okuliczowie 1976; A. Kempisty 1968; J. Jaskanis 1996), some similarities of pottery (R. Wołągiewicz 1993), and probably also absence of the inhumation ritual in the phases B2/C1–C1a. We may suppose that at least a part of former Przeworsk population remained in its homeland. However, clear depopulation of this zone in the turn of the early and Late Roman Period (T. Dąbrowska 1981a; K. Godłowski 1985, 67ff.; J. Andrzejowski 1989) indicates, in spite of close mutual relation that east-Przeworsk tribes still kept their identity perhaps basing on the ethnic difference between them and the Wielbark Culture tribes.








Physical description




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