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2001 | LV | 55 | 87-93

Article title

Pierścień z osady kultury przeworskiej w Izdebnie Kościelnym, województwo mazowieckie, stanowisko 1



Title variants

A Finger-ring from a Przeworsk Culture Settlement at Izdebno Kościelne, site 1, woj. mazowieckie, in Central Poland

Languages of publication



In 1976–78 a team of archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology of Warsaw University investigated a Przeworsk culture settlement at Izdebno Kościelne. The presence of two settlement horizons was established: one from the Younger Pre-Roman Period, the other, from the Late Roman Period. A small quantity of Early Iron Age material was also recovered. A fragment of a black notched ring was discovered on the surface of the trench within the culture layer. It represents roughly 2/3 of the original hoop and has an internal diameter of some 16 mm. The ring features a flat 12 by 7 mm plate in the form of a rectangle with rounded shorter sides. Tapering “arms” of the ring form on the upper surface a series of slightly irregular, gently profiled segments, of which ten have survived on the longer and two on the shorter arm of the ring. The glossy surface of the ring is deep black in colour1 (Fig. 1). Specialist analyses – not fully conclusive – show that the ring was made of glass; its chemical composition was probably as follows: Na2O – 9,4%; Al2O3 – 2,1%; SiO2 – 47,7%; NaCl – 2,4%; CaO – 7,1%; FeO – 32,6%. The specimen in question has analogies among glass jewellery of the Roman Empire. In the first centuries of our era glass was used as a substitute for precious gemstones being an attractive and relatively inexpensive raw material for jewellery making. Unlike glass beads a large number of which found its way to the Barbaricum glass rings are much more rare in Przeworsk territory: previously, only two fragmentary specimens have been recovered, both from the settlement at Jakuszowice, gm. Kazimierza Wielka, in Little Poland (Małopolska). The ornament of smoothly shaped notches seen on the ring from Izdebno finds analogies among black glass bracelets from Palestine. The latter are dated to AD 2nd –4th c. This suggests that the ornament in question originated in the environment of Middle Eastern workshops and represents an import on Przeworsk Culture territory brought there from the Roman Empire.








Physical description




  • Państwowa Służba Ochrony Zabytków, ul. Ksawerów 13, 02-656 Warszawa


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