The Ordinance “On the State Archaeology Museum” of 22 March 1928 issued by the President of the Polish Republic was a crowning act closing a five years’ process of formation of a central state museum of archaeology. Seventy five years after this important event it is worth examining the extent to which activities implemented at present by the Warsaw Museum are consistent in their spirit and letter with the legal act of 1928. The task contained in the Ordinance of studying the prehistory on the territory of the Polish State and of developing archaeology collections is being performed by the Museum through regular archaeological research, having the nature of science and investigation procedures, being the basic method of accumulating collections pursued by archaeology museums. Another important aspect of Museum activity is conservation of archaeological artefacts. The task of propagating the knowledge of the earliest history of Poland is being accomplished at present primarily through intensive research activity of the Museum staff. Another form of promoting awareness of archaeology among the general public is by organising exhibitions, museum classes for schoolchildren, etc. At present the Museum offers four permanent exhibitions next to about ten or so thematic exhibitions and temporary displays every year. In recent years the Museum was visited on the average by some 70 000––90 000 guests. It is apparent that the aims of the State Archaeology Museum, defined in its founding act of 1928, even after the passage of 75 years continue to be in force and are being performed successfully by the Museum.