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2003 | LVI | 56 | 37-44

Article title

Nowe znalezisko gromadne krzemiennych narzędzi wiórowych na stanowisku l C w Gródku nad Bugiem



Title variants

A New Multiple Find of Flint Blade Tools at Gródek nad Bugiem. Site l C

Languages of publication



Multiple flint finds, frequently referred to as deposits or hoards, are discovered at different locations and culture context, inside prehistoric settlements as well as in areas lacking traces of human occupation, frequently, on the margin of existing and fossil lakes or streams. During the 2001 rescue excavation of the multicomponent site 1C at Gródek, distr. Hrubieszów, woj. lubelskie, a culture layer (at the depth of about 40 cm) surrounded by debris of daub, produced another multiple find (Table 1). The set included four blade tools – two end-scrapers and two retouched blades, jointly weighing 100 g, made from macrolithic blades struck from single platform subconical cores using the pressure technique (Fig. 1–4). The raw material, Świeciechów flint, and the morpho-metric attributes of the artefacts find a range of analogies among the rich assortment of specimens associated with the Little Poland industry of the Funnel Beaker Culture (B. Balcer 1975). All the finely preserved pieces in the deposit exhibit traces of use-wear, manifested as intensive gloss (sheen) of the many scar faces. Retouch was reapplied to the working edges, but the nature of this treatment is difficult to determine. It may either represent rejuvenation retouch of used up and dulled edges or a substantial reworking of blades or earlier tools of undetermined function, changing diametrically their original (at present hard to determine) morphology. Multiple finds (Fig. 5, table 2) discovered at settlements probably differed in their character. Some probably are the remains of caches – stocks of raw material – this is true both of precores, cores, and blades, and of blade and core tools, frequently heavily worn or substantially damaged. On the other hand, deposits of undamaged tools, frequently with evident traces of utilisation, should be viewed as depots in which tools were stored within dwelling or other structures of the period. The analysed assemblage from Gródek belongs in the latter category, as supported by the debris of pugging lumps co-occurring with the flints, presumably the trace of a decayed construction of a prehistoric structure.








Physical description




  • Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 4, 20-031 Lublin


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Publication order reference


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