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2003 | LVI | 56 | 229-281

Article title

Ocalałe i niepublikowane materiały z badań Waldemara Heyma w Bystrzcu, powiat kwidzyński (Weißhof, Kr. Marienwerder)


Title variants

Unpublished and Survived Materials from Excavations of Waldemar Heym at Bystrzec, Distr. Kwidzyn (Weißhof, Kr. Marienwerder)

Languages of publication



The archive of the Museum in Kwidzyn houses documentation from research carried out by Waldemar Heym, for many decades head of the Heimatmuseum Marienwerder (Regional Museum in Kwidzyn), at Bystrzec, comm. and distr. Kwidzyn, pomorskie voivodship (Weißhof, Kr. Marienwerder). Between late 1920s and 30s Heym partly investigated a Roman period settlement and a multiple culture cemetery from a period spanning Early Iron and Late Roman age. The research results were published in fragmentary and random fashion (W. Heym 1929; 1935; 1939; 1959-61; cf also K. Przewoźna 1972, p. 209–210). The W. Heym file in keeping of the Kwidzyn Museum contains drawings of a number of unpublished assemblages from both sites as well as drawings of finds forming part of a number of published assemblages, for an unknown reason not included in the publications. The cemetery at Bystrzec (German inventory number 2884) was discovered and investigated in 1938. Of nearly 500 excavated graves the majority were burials associated with Oksywie culture; a much smaller number, with the earliest Pomeranian and the later Wielbark culture. The site also produced traces of Neolithic occupation and several early medieval graves. W. Heym published much of the excavated material from the cemetery shortly after the war (1959-61) on the basis of notes available to him after he left the region. Archival records preserved in the Museum in Kwidzyn contain drawings of the furnishings of several dozen unpublished graves and drawings of finds associated with assemblages subjected by W. Heym to follow-up study but not included in his publications. Among the pottery pieces recovered from the cemetery of special interest is a tripartite vessel from grave 185 (Fig. 2, pl. XXIII/185). The Wielbark culture settlement at Bystrzec (German inventory number 1694) lies on a flood terrace between the Nogat – distributary of the Vistula –and the Liwa. First rescue excavations carried out by W. Heym in 1929 revealed traces of a two-room post structure featuring a central hearth within a stone setting. Numerous pottery fragments helped to date the feature to AD 150–250 (W. Heym 1929; K. Przewoźna 1972). The next rescue investigation, made in 1938, uncovered the remains of a single hearth (?) and six dwelling structures. The archival records from this research, next to a brief report, contain line drawings of several vessels discovered in individual features. This is the only information on the 1938 excavation of the settlement at Bystrzec.








Physical description




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Publication order reference


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