In 1968 the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw acquired a Corded Ware Culture stone axe (PMA/III/5858:3) from Czubin, site V (AZP 58-63/42), distr. Pruszków, woj. mazowieckie (Fig. 1). The axe (Fig. 2, 3), unearthed during ploughing, is oblong in shape, with a distinctly boat-shaped side profile. Both its curved and expanding cutting edge and the prominent circular-sectioned cylindrical butt are lightly drooping. The drilled round shaft-hole of the axe is situated slightly above the middle of the length of the axe. The transverse section at its widest point, ie at the shaft-hole is oval. The analysed piece seems to have been fashioned with great care, with some aesthetic feeling and awareness of proportions. Its dimensions are the following: overall L. 15.9 cm, maximum width (at shaft-hole) 5.6 cm, height, at shaft-hole, 3.5 cm, L. of asymmetrical cutting edge 4.6 cm, D. of butt 3.2 cm, D. of shaft-hole 1.9 cm. The angle between the side faces tapering to form the cutting edge is about 60. The axe is in medium-grained greyish-green melandric amphibole gneiss, with dark grey speckles. Basing on its shape and dimensions the axe from Czubin may be classified as battle-axe type A, more specifically, subtype A1-A2 (P. V. Glob 1944, p. 17–20, fig. 1; K. W. Struve 1955, p. 13–14, pl. I; K. H. Brandt 1967, p. 43–45). Admittedly, axe forms of the described type tend to be classified as such on the basis of a ridge on their dorsal face but specimens lacking this attribute are admitted as well. Stone battle-axes type A are linked to the oldest phase of Corded Ware culture, ie with the so-called PanEuropean horizon. In literature it is suggested that within this horizon specimens formally similar to the axe from Czubin occupy a typologically younger position. This view is supported eg by the form of the butt, which admittedly continues to be prominent and cylindrical but is shorter, and its distinct waist is less pronounced than in older forms.