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2005 | LVII | 57 | 47-55

Article title

Klamra hakowa z Kargoszyna, pow. ciechanowski. Uwagi o chronologii i genezie ażurowych klamer z T-kształtnym zakończeniem w północno-wschodniej Polsce i na terenach bałtyjskich


Title variants

The belt clasp from Kargoszyn, distr. Ciechanów. The dating and origins of open-work belt-clasps with T-shaped endings from north-eastern Poland and the Balt lands

Languages of publication



The open-work belt clasp from Kargoszyn, north-eastern Poland (comm. and distr. Ciechanów, woj. mazowieckie), from late 2003 in the collection of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw, is a stray find, one of two such specimens recorded in Poland. The piece is 8.5 cm long, produced by casting, ornamented on the frame with engraved lines and oblique incisions (Fig. 1). The other open-work belt clasp, from a Pomeranian culture cemetery at Bukowo, distr. Sztum, is a plain specimen fashioned from a narrow strip of iron sheet (Fig. 2). Two further belt clasps of similar form are known from a West Balt Barrow culture cemetery at Mezdulesye, distr. Gvardeysk, and from a cemetery of Dollkeim-Kovrovo culture at Kovrovo, distr. Zelenogradsk, both in the Kaliningrad Province. The two specimens are ornamented on the frame with embossed knobs (Fig. 3). The belt clasps from Bukowo, Mezdulesye, and Kovrovo have been variously interpreted. W. Nowakowski (1995, p. 62; 1996, p. 69) considers the Balt specimens as Raetian imports but his explanation is undermined by the form of these two pieces, widely different from that of open-work clasp finds from south Germany (cf E. Keller 1984, pl. 4:11, 6:7.15, 8:6, 9:5). On the basis of its plastic ornament J. Rosen-Przeworska (1939, p. 127) traces the clasp from Mezdulesye to the La Tène sphere, but the piece lacks analogies in the Celtic environment. By J. Okulicz (1973, p. 331), A. Waluś (1983, p. 180) and M. J. Hoffmann (2000, p. 141) the same specimen is interpreted as an imitation of the clasp from Bukowo, Poland. Only E. Petersen (1929, p. 68) observed the similarity of the belt clasp from Bukowo to rhombic Hallstatt forms. Apparently, all the four open-work specimens belong in a large group of belt clasps with T-shaped endings and are closest to rhombic forms with similar endings (cf fig. 5). The form is widespread during Late Hallstatt (Ha D) in the Alpine region, on the Adriatic and in south Germany (cf C. Derrix 2001, fig. 51). A dozen-odd specimens known from Poland (cf M. Gedl 1991, p. 83), primarily from Silesia and Wielkopolska (Fig. 6, 7), are being interpreted as imports from the Hallstattkreis. However, we know of no analogies from the Hallstatt area to open-work belt clasps with T-shaped endings, referred to here as type Bukowo. Probably, they are a local imitation of Hallstatt prototypes. While only the dating of the belt clasp from Bukowo (Ha D) is certain, a similar chronology may be posited for all of the other specimens, even the belt clasp from the Dollkeim-Kovrovo cemetery, which admittedly occurred in a grave from phase B2 of the Roman Period but differed widely from the rest of the grave goods. Type Bukowo belt clasps suggest the existence of a lively exchange between cultures of the Hallstattkreis with areas of north-eastern Poland and the Balt lands, formerly considered as peripheral.







Physical description




  • Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne, ul. Długa 52, 00-241 Warszawa


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