A bronze axe with socket and loop, so-called Schnabeltüllenbeil, recovered in 2002 when dredging the bed of an unnamed stream at Senisławice (comm. Opatowiec, distr. Kazimierza Wielka, woj. świętokrzyskie), may be classified by its form to the first variant of dziobata axes, acc. to J. Kuśnierz (1998, p. 10–12). Finds of this variant of such axes in Małopolska, dated to HaA1 – early HaA2, are considered to be the result of exchange with areas beyond the Carpathian Range, more exactly, the result of contacts maintained by the people of the górnośląsko-małopolska (Upper Silesia-Little Poland) Group and Tarnobrzeg Group of Lusatian Culture with Pilin Culture and early phases of Gáva Culture. The fact that the axe was discovered in a river bed, like a number of other bronzes dating from the same period suggests the piece’s special association with the watery environment, ie. its character of a votive offering.