This study is about the Scythian arrow-heads from the south-west Slavic hill fort from Smolenice-Molpir. The fortified settlement at the foothills of the Small Carpathes was examined in the sixties and seventies of the 20th century by M. and S. Dusek for the Archeological institute of the Slovak Academy of Science. Weapons of Scythian type, especially the bronze two- and three-winged arrow-heads, are foreign objects in the local cultural material remains. Arrow-heads of this kind are known for a long time from the north pontic kurgans of the Iron Age. At the end of the 8th century and especially in the 7th century before Christ this type of weapon is found repeatedly in the northern region of the Black Sea, but already also in the Carpathian Basin. They were found in the destruction layers of the fortified settlements in a wide spread area in the northern and southern regions of the Moravian Gate. Furthermore they indicates attacks of Scythian warriors from Transylvania on the one side and the north pontic steppes on the other side.