The article is a reflection on theoretic and axiological principles of the process of state institutions decentralization: from government centralism to territorial self-governance. The deliberations concern possibilities and abilities of territorial self-governments to run independently a lot of social issues in the circumstances, which are not favorable for taking the bit in their hands. It relates to the weakness of community and civil society, low social capital, weak participation and a tendency towards inequality and social discrepancy. Moreover, the attention is drawn to the specificity of social service development, mainly education and health care, which require an efficiently designed partnership of the three sides: government, professionals (corporate organizations) and - territorial self-government. In conclusion a thesis is presented that decentralization reform is a challenge for modern reforms in the state and in the social service sectors. It is a request for partnership and multi-level and multi -sector of public management. It is also a request for a deliberate creation of self-governance on the strength of social capital and partnership in solving social problems. Decentralization is a long process and not yet finished reform.