This paper is understood as a critical analysis of some of the articles of the books by Krausová 'Epika a román' (Epic and Novel, 1964), 'Prispevky k literárnej teórii' (Contributions to the Theory of Literature, 1967), 'Význam tvaru - tvar významu' (The Meanig of a Form -The Form of a Meaning, 1984) and 'Poetika v case za a proti' (Poetics in Time For and Against, 1999). The author to a great extent explains the current problems of the literary studies and he tries to systemize the impulses of the foreign authors (chiefly French, German, English and Russian) in a wider space of the discourse within literary studies. In many cases these attempts do not dispense with simplification narrowing of the usually very complex theoretical models. Their communication opens the possibility of identification of the tendencies in the literary studies but not generalization or 'absolutization' of any theory. The author compiles a great amount of the models (their parts) and mainly points out the imperfection of French and German solutions. The received image can be characterized as the tendentious, distorted and vulgarizing. On the other hand, Krausová has brought Western theories, respectively she has brought them as they should appear to us. The reason of her work therefore consists in forming of an image of communication of home and foreign 'literary studies', in forming their meaning.