Possibilities of satisfying living needs, especially educational ones, of students are diversified, taking into account, e.g., the fact of exhibiting (or not) body dysfunctions resulting from disabilities. Such dysfunctions not only limit the aforementioned possibilities, but they also bring about new, specific needs. To satisfy those, students (just like the entire community of the disabled) very often have to rely on the support of various people and institutions, due to, for instance, encountering many barriers (social, mental, legal, communicational, architectural, etc.). In Poland, despite many valuable initiatives being undertaken that aim at making higher education institutions available to people with disabilities, not many universities are adapted to the needs of such students. To be able to satisfy their urgencies, one has to first identify those. In this paper, the focus is on selected research areas regarding the problems and needs of disabled students as well as their sense of self-effectiveness along with education and rehabilitation experience. Learning the opinion of the ones concerned on the above mentioned issues seems to be meaningful as it may be perceived in relation to both their developmental threats and opportunities.