A main subject of the article is a problem of the theatrical space treated as a general cultural schema. Historic forms of the theatrical space from the antiquity to the present day propose different kinds of the social communication. The basic distinction refers to the theatre of line and the theatre of circle, indicated by Patrice Pavis. The first one is a type of the theatre of the community and participations, the second one (the Italian theatre) situates the spectator and the stage as the object to look at on opposing sides. In the history of the theatre dominates spatal constructions connected with following paradigms of science. To the very end of 19th century in the composition of the theatrical space dominates the geometrical order, the beginnng of 20th century introduces the new category the empty space, brought to life by the dynamic human body. Postodernism proposes the wide range of the interpretation of the theatrical space - in performance studies created by Richard Schechner it includes every kind of human behaviour. The metaphorical meaning of the occurrence of the theatricalness permits to refer the category of the theatrical space to the problems of philosophy, sociology and the theory of literature.