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Humanities and Social Sciences: Latvia

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Editorial office

  • Institute of Economics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1 Akademijas laukums, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia
  • Editorial Office 'HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES.LATVIA', EPC Ltd (Economic Prognosis Centre), Bruninieku iela 29/31, r. 319, Riga LV 1001, Latvia; www.hssl.lv; raita@epc.lv
  • Editorial Office 'HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: LATVIA', EPC Ltd (Economic Prognosis Centre), Bruninieku iela 29/31, r. 319, Riga LV 1001, Latvia; www.hssl.lv; raita@epc.lv

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  • Humanities and Social Sciences: Latvia

open years

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