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2020 | 106 | 1 | 7-30

Article title

Polská vojenská rozvědka a její spolupráce s 2. (zpravodajským) oddělením Hlavního štábu Československé armády v letech 1927-1936


Title variants

The Polish military intelligence service and its cooperation with the 2nd (intelligence) division of the Czechoslovak army headquarters in the years 1927-1936
Польская военная разведка и ее сотрудничество со 2-м (разведывательным) отделом Главного штаба Чехословацкой армии в 1927-1936 гг.
Pol'skaya voyennaya razvedka i yeye sotrudnichestvo so 2-m (razvedyvatel'nym) otdelom Glavnogo shtaba Chekhoslovatskoy armii v 1927-1936 gg.

Languages of publication



The article discusses various aspects of the cooperation between the Polish intelligence service and the Czechoslovak 2nd Division in the interwar period. Their contacts primarily consisted of exchanges of information about Germany, and to a lesser extend about the Soviet Union. They represent a backstage for the founding and activities of the Polish military intelligence service office in Prague, which passed along messages while also tracking the Ukrainian emigration during the period of the First Czechoslovak Republic. Cooperation between the intelligence headquarters was maintained even though Poland and Czechoslovakia had political and military opinions at variance. The article systematizes, clarifies and elaborates the information that been available to date on this subject.


  • Slovanský přehled, redakce, Historický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Prosecká 76, 190 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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