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2013 | 7 | 55-67

Article title

Ins Netz gelockt – phraseologische Online-Wörterbücher

Title variants

Caught in the Net – the Online Phraseological Dictionaries

Languages of publication



This paper describes three internet dictionaries of phrasemes of the recent years – two monolingual dictionaries of German (Redensarten-Index) and Polish (Wielki słownik frazeologiczny) and one bilingual German-Polish dictionary (Niemiecko-Polski Słownik Frazeologizmów on-line). An analysis of their structure, arrangement, lexicographic entries, other functional aspects and a comparison to the traditional book dictionaries show that the new medium has a lot of advantages. The online phraseological dictionaries not only allow interactive participation of users, but also give the opportunity to update the data base every day as well. Moreover the space limit, which is a problem in printed dictionaries, does not concern electronic lexicography any more. Therefore the macro- and microstructure of the digital dictionaries can be more user friendly and various criteria can be used to look up the phrase. The author is convinced that the phraseological dictionaries are particularly suitable for online design.







Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Szczeciński


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