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2017 | 32 | 10-68

Article title

Opis trasy turystycznej Kopalni Soli Wieliczka w świetle opracowania Jana Nepomucena oraz ludwika Emanuela Hrdinów z 1842 roku


Title variants

Description of the Wieliczka Salt Mine tourist route in the light of a study conducted by John of Nepomuk and ludwig Emanuel Hrdina in 1842

Languages of publication



Geschichte der Wieliczkaer Saline is a unique source for every researcher who is learning about the history, geology and mining technique of the Wieliczka salt mine. The authors, professionally connected and obviously fascinated by the Wieliczka mine, created its full picture, taking into consideration all the aspects of everyday life of a salt business. The versatility of the 1842 publication is strongly evidenced by the last part of the monograph − Beschreibung der Werkwürdigkeiten des Wieliczkaer Steinsaltzwerkes als Leitfaden bei der gewühnlichen Gasttour− prepared by Ludwig Emanuel as an appendix presenting the tourist route of that time. The entire work of the Hrdina brothers, which consists of texts, lithographs and maps, brings us closer to the multilayered picture of the history of the Wieliczka salt mine until the first half of the 19th century. The text of this appendix, its lithographs and maps form a  specific guide which contains not only a description of the then route, but, above all, guidelines for “strangers” planning to visit the Wieliczka salt mine. This collection could function, independently from the 1842 study, as an individual book dedicated to masses of tourists coming to Wieliczka. This illustrated material allowed visitors not only to consolidate and organise their memories, but it also enabled all those who had never reached the Wieliczka mine to familiarise themselves with the underground picturesque world, with its peculiarity and mysteries. It is therefore not surprising that until 1892, when Awit Szubert took the first black and white photographs of the Wieliczka mine interiors, the drawings prepared by the Hrdina brothers and their detailed description of the tourist route were the most frequently used information and illustrative materials for numerous national and foreign publications about Wieliczka. Before 1892, the management board would answer each query concerning the mine’s interior images with recommendations to use the lithographs by Ludwig Emanuel Hrdina and John of Nepomuk. The authors of the 1842 monograph not only managed to capture the exceptional picture of the Wieliczka salt mine, but they also succeeded in recording a rare phenomenon of the 19th century − an underground tourism. What is more, the uniqueness of the Wieliczka salt mine lies in the fact that it is one of the oldest tourist attractions in Poland, as well as one of the first fully organised tourist destinations. It is important to remember that in the 19th century partitioned Poland, over 100 museums were established. Most of them were founded in the second half of the 19th century, when the Wieliczka mine had already introduced a well-organised and well-functioning system of first fees for visitors. In January 1868 the salt mine authorities announced the first tariff in the history of Wieliczka tourism. They used attractions originally prepared for special, crowned guests. Purchased tickets involved lighting of the underground route and aforementioned additional attractions. It is worth adding that in the second half of the 19th century Austrian salt mine administration established, apart from the underground tourist route, Museum of the Mining School − an educational centre with scientific support and a  small exposition of souvenirs in the building of the Rudolf’s shaft top, commemorating personalities visiting the mine. At the very end of the 19th century these meticulously gathered elements were located in the Salt Mine Museum in the so-called Sztygarówka building. Finally, it should be noted that the tourist route, once accepted by the Austrian authorities, to a certain extent has been operating to this day. Naturally, over these 200 years its reach and character have changed significantly. Today’s underground route includes more than 40 chambers. This is twice the number of the route from the first half of the 19th century. Another important aspect is that over the past few years decorations of individual mine workings have changed. This can be most easily seen in the Drozdowice Chamber, where a wooden pillar and cribs were built during the years 1900- 1901. It is worth noting that the then route did not include the most famous underground chapel in the world, the Chapel of St. Kinga. Its first foundations were laid around 1895. Nonetheless, the modern tourist route occupies the same area as the one from the first half of the 19th century, i.e. the mine workings concentrated around the Daniłowicz Shaft. As a result, part of those intended for visitors in the first half of the 19th century is also available for tourists coming to Wieliczka today. These include the Daniłowicz Shaft, the Antonia Shaft, chambers of Urszula, Michałowice, Drozdowice, Józef Piłsudski (formerly the Rosetti/Majer chambers), Pieskowa Skała, Sielec, Spalona and St Anthony’s Chapel. Certainly, their interiors are quite different today. What is important, however, both today and in the Austrian times tourists visited the same part of the mine, which by its hosts was considered the most elegant and representative of the history of the Wieliczka salt mine. For nearly 250 years, since the Austrians introduced the first tourist route, significant and irreversible changes in the mine’s layout and design have taken place. All the descriptions and accounts that have been preserved from the old times give us a picture of the mine workings and the scope of services provided. In this context, the 1842 publication and its illustrations should be regarded as invaluable.






Physical description


  • Archiwum Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Akta Salinarne, grupa XXXIII, sygn. 234, sygn. 1829, sygn. 2486. Zbiory Kartograficzne Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Geognostischer Durschnitt der Wieliczkaer Saline zur allgemeinene Übersicht der Salzformationen, L. E. Hrdina, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. VII/3151. Zbiory Kartograficzne Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Grubenkarte von dem Theile der Wieliczkaer Saline zur Übersicht des Strecken Betriebes und besonders der durch Fremde befahrenden Gasttour, L. E. Hrdina, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. VII/3152. Zbiory Kartograficzne Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Gruben Karte der Wieliczkaer Saline zur übersichtdes im m: J: 1837 eingeleitrten Strecken betriebs mit Bezug auf die Berg Versicherung der brüchigen Gruben = Verhaue, nebst Darstellung der, bis nun erfolgten Tagbrüche, L. E. Hrdina, Wieliczka 1837, nr inw. VII/373. Zbiory Kartograficzne Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Karte zur Hauptbefahrung der Wieliczkaer-Saline durch Ihre Königliche Hohheiten die durchlauchtigsten Erzherzoge von Ostereich Este am 27-ten Juli 1839, L. E. Hrdina, Wieliczka ok. 1839, nr inw. VII/407. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Michalowiec, rys. L. E. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/1. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Ursula, rys. L. E. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/2. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Drozdowice, rys. J. N. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/3. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Kaiser Franz, rys. L. E. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/4. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Szczygielec, rys. J. N. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/5. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Rosetti, rys. J. N. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/80. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Steinhauser, rys. L. E. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/6. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer St. Antoni Kapelle, rys. J. N. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/7. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Klemens, rys. J. N. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/8. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Lętow, rys. J. N. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/9. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Przykos. Nach der Ansicht gegen Osten, rys. J. N. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/10. Zbiory Sztuki Muzeum Żup Krakowskich Wieliczka, Kammer Przykos. Nach der Ansicht gegen Westen, rys. J. N. Hrdina, lit. H. Engel, Wiedeń 1842, nr inw. IV/2/11. Źródła drukowane J. F. von Carossi: Reisen durch verschiedene polnische Provinzen, Tom I, Lipsk 1781. J. N Hrdina, L. E. 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