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2016 | 29 | 157–167

Article title

Contexts of Appearance of Water in the Pyramid Texts An Introduction


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The author collected in her paper introductory remarks concerning the occurrences of water in the Pyramid Texts. The article outlines main issues which appear to be assumed by the ancient Egyptians the most vivid while thinking about water and its role in Egyptian religion of the Old Kingdom. In the world oldest religious texts it may be evenly observed that water was a way to travel both on Earth and in the sky as well as to transport goods in both realities. The above-mentioned and the ways of transport confirm watery nature of the hereafter. Water could have both good as well as bad, involving peril, connotations. Furthermore, it appears – that water was perceived as a sacralised sphere, the one of primordial value. However, in the Pyramid Texts more emphasis was put on its purifying and rejuvenating qualities.


  • Zakład Kultur Starożytnych, Katedra Archeologii i Antropologii, Wydział Historyczny, Akademia Humanistyczna im. Aleksandra Gieysztora, Pułtusk


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