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2013 | 7 | 145-164

Article title

Cultural Intelligence and 3-D FL Grammar Pedagogy


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The present article addresses the issue of pedagogical instruction in English grammatical tenses at higher levels of language proficiency. It describes a treatment design called 3-D grammar pedagogy or the Organic Approach Dedictivided which consists mainly in teaching the semantics of the said grammatical structures based on the assumption that formal accuracy is already given in the case of advanced learners. The details of the treatment are presented in Section 2, while its implementation as well as the results of the study carried into its effectiveness followed by the resulting conclusions and teaching implications can be found in Section 3. The discussion, however, starts with the theoretical underpinnings of the 3-D/ OAD pedagogy, with particular regard to what it means to teach grammar semantics. These considerations are based on the Cultural Intelligence hypothesis developed by M. Tomasello and collaborators (M. Tomasello 1999 and 2005; H. Moll and M. Tomasello 2007; E. Hermann et al. 2007) stemming from L. S. Vygotsky's (1978) concept of cultural learning and his intelligence hypothesis (Section 1).






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