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2014 | 26 | 379-392

Article title

Las Élites y las Grandes Transformaciones


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The discussion about elites is part of a cumbersome and long debate. In the context of a globalized world, the task becomes even more complex to understand. It is because national borders no longer define or, at least, do not define completely, all the loyalties and actions of powerful groups. Meanwhile, the transnational space opens new fields of activity and, along with, gives them new opportunities. In first place, this paper aims to understand the very meaning of a power elite: its significance and its possible implications for some selected economic and historical processes. Secondly, since the elites are largely defined by their social environment, the present paper seeks to understand the particularity of the American case. Finally, we try to explain how this ruling class influenced the consolidation of the United States as the leading world power, participating in the creation of a specific international system, based on institutions and the global regulation.


  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Uniwersytet w Białymstoku


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