The most important consequences, which the development of computers has caused in the sphere of education and upbringing of children, were presented in the herewith work. The results of deliberations conducted here do not instil optimism. Computers which originally served people as work tools, in the course of time also began to fulfil different functions. The machine which does not seem to be dangerous, is able to make irreversible changes in the physical and psychical health and influence destructively a man’s whole life. The practice shows that children easily surrender to bad influences of computers, and parents mostly do not perceive this fact. Young people sit before the screens of laptops and PCs willingly, mainly because of entertainment which they deliver them. They see in these devices toys which introduce a lot of emotions and satisfy their relaxing needs. These toys in children’s hands, left without supervision, become dangerous. Computer games cause most damage to children. By means of depraved content they trigger bad tendencies in human nature and lead one down the wrong path. Besides, they distort our view of the world and show bad behaviour patterns. It creates danger that the child will shape his habits for good in the direction which leads to many disasters. Pedagogues have to take these threats into consideration when they plan to work with their pupils with the use of the multimedia methods of display. It seems to be an unusually difficult task to lead a child in such a way that he himself would want to use a computer for useful aims. The access limitation to bad content becomes an urgent need in the context of quoted problems. Actions taken so far were not successful and lots of youth are still exposed to their influence. The main cause here is adults’ ignorance of consequences of the overuse of the Internet and bad computer games by their children because effects are not spectacular, but kept hidden away within child’s soul and surface after long time. The traditional forms of education cannot be replaced with modern technologies, but a computer used suitably is very helpful in education and can improve teaching efficiency in many fields. However, there have to be ensured suitable conditions and help from the tutors. The children whose parents treat the educational duty responsibly and establish principles for the wise use of computers by their children, gain a lot thanks to it. Computerisation leads, on the one hand, lots of young people to corruption of their minds, but on the other hand, it raises to a higher level of the civilization development those who can use the modern work tools in the appropriate way.