Security is a fundamental existential human needs, as well as the structures that make up such as the family or the state. In terms of the development of modern civilization is closely associated with spatial operations and human development. It should also be emphasized that the planned development of the spatial structure is one of the most important tasks of determining the rational development in accordance with the accepted principles such as sustainable development. Polish accession to the NATO and EU structures created the new conditions shaping the spatial structure of Poland. In fact decreased military threats and increased civilization’s threats. Furthermore, there are determinants of the use of the attributes of Polish location and meet the international challenges – even in the context of the development of transcontinental transport links. Author underlines great benefits because of the construction of the trans- European transport network, but also recognizes the changing role of the Polish territory as a transit area. Also notes the need for construction of new and modernization of existing road vehicles, railways, airports, power and pipeline networks and other infrastructure components in Poland to improve the investment process and activate the development of the whole Polish territory. Author also exposes spatial conflicts occurring on the Polish territory in industrial activities, infrastructure development, as well as the location of selected elements of the defense infrastructure, and therefore the implementation of facilities for the public. This is due to the fact that in Polish legislation does not so distinguished “hard location” that for reasons of national security can not be denied, the “soft location”, which may be the subject of negotiations.