Background. The fundamental aim was to analyze determinants of safety in downhill skiing. Material and methods. The level of thrill-seeking inclination was measured using the Polish version of Zuckerman’s Interest and Preference Test. The study involved 282 young people (aged 13–16). They were divided into 2 control groups (CN – no sport, CS – other sports) and one experimental group E – alpine skiing. Infrastructural and economic determinants were evaluated on the basis of an analysis of current literature. Results. The analysis of variance showed that there were no significant differences between the means of the evaluated parameters in the studied groups, with one exception in scale I, where group E was significantly different from group CN. On a standardized 1–10 (sten) scale, the studied youth had results ranging from 5 to 7 stens. Only on the Decisional Involvement Scale, all the girls achieved 8 stens. 71% of young skiers declared that they preferred fast skiing. Conclusions. 1. Bravado, risk-taking and speeding should be eliminated by appropriate professional training. 2. In the top risk group there are mostly children preferring excessive speed and difficult routes. 3. The level of preparation of routes is correlated with the number of accidents. 4. Because of high accident rate, specialist insurance is necessary.