The (subject and emotional) contents of an utterance are expressed by the arsenal of all sound-intonation means of alanguage as well as by other elements (lexical-grammatical) of the language system, which are synchronically combined in aspeech act. The intonation of any speech has universal functions, which are inherent to other languages, and also specific functions and expressive means, characteristic of that particular language and its phonetic expression. When compared to other languages, the general functions and expressive means of intonation of any particular speech are determined by the grammatical structure and peculiarities of the language; the specifics of intonation depend on the individual possibilities of interlocutors to select and use appropriate expressive means of sounds and intonations, which would formulate and convey the contents of the utterance in the most precise and suggestive way. The work analyzes different variants of individual intonation expression of spoken texts that are characterized by different emotional and stylistic colouring.