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2014 | 4(37) | 123-148

Article title

Zmiana paradygmatu przesłanek zwrotu wywłaszczonych nieruchomości w orzecznictwie sądowym

Title variants

Change of a paradigm of prerequisites of returning expropriated real estates in court jurisdiction

Languages of publication



A new paradigm of prerequisites of returning expropriated real es-tates originated as an answer to crisis of the primary paradigm, which assumed that independently of circumstances of a case after lapse of term specified in art. 137 item 1 point 2 act of 21 August 1997 on man-agement of real estates (Dz. U. from 2014 item 518 as amended; herein-after „u.g.n.”), real estate on which realisation of investment constituting the goal of expropriation was not completed, was superfluous for that goal. This standpoint was based on a „strict” language interpretation of this provision, consistent with the rule clara non sunt interpretanda, separating the content of the interpreted norm from factual findings undertaken in cases. Decision-making panels of administrative courts, which „had the courage” to question a heretofore accepted result of in-terpretation, turned attention to the fact that such understanding led sometimes to totally irrational adjudications. The Constitutional Tribu-nal in a verdict of 13 March 2014 (P 38/11) overcame a primary para-digm, basing its standpoint on criticism of a retrospective activity of art. 137 item 1 point 2 u.g.n. In the Tribunal’s opinion the statutory order of returning expropriated real estates, whose ownership was acquired by territorial self-government units by a way of communalisation and on which real estates – on a day of submitting a motion for returning – the goal of expropriation was realised, cannot be reconciled with the consti-tutional rule of independence of these units in the aspect of financing as well as performing by them public tasks.



  • asystent sędziego w Wojewódzkim Sądzie Administracyjnym w Lublinie


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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