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2018 | 1 | 29-47

Article title

„Verbum spirans amorem“ Úvaha o vztahu mezi teologií a duchovním životem

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"Verbum spirans amorem" The Reflection on the Relationship between Theology and Spiritual Life The article, whose title is based on the designation of the Second Divine Person by St. Thomas Aquinas, begins with the application of the principle distinguer pour unir for the synchronic distinction and unity of theology and spiritual life. After an elucidation of the concept of theology and spiritual life, it tracts the harmony between both of them, based on the straight unity between the reason and the will generally and particularly in the act of faith. Since the relationship between theology and spiritual life is mutual, the article continues with a treatise on the relationship between theology and spiritual life, summarized in the expression pietas theologica (theological piety), and than by a tract on the relationship between the spiritual life and theology, summarized in the expression theologia pia (pious theology). The example and doctrine of Pope Benedict XVI in this matter is made mention of in the conclusion.







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  • Katedra systematické teologie, Cyrilometodějská teologická fakulta, Univerzita Palackého, Univerzitní 22 771 11 Olomouc


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