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2019 | 2 | 179-189

Article title

Strengthening school and labour market connections on the example of German solutions


Title variants

Umacnianie powiązań szkoły i rynku pracy na przykładzie rozwiązań niemieckich

Languages of publication



Comparative research conducted in European countries in the last ten years has had a special focus on the processes of marketisation in education and on building relationships between the school and the labour market. This area also arouses the interest of education politicians by setting the direction of educational reforms. The nature of the connections between and the process of transition from school to the labour market is the subject of many comparative studies in the German-language literature (See Baethge, Solga&Wieck, 2007). On the example of Germany - a federal country with sixteen different education systems (Nowosad, 2013, p. 89) - learning solutions focused on strengthening cooperation between the school and the labour market creates the opportunity to show the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon. An analysis of German experiences may result in the adaptation of foreign pedagogical achievements on the ground of native activities, and the results obtained can be an impulse to remove barriers and irregularities in the functioning of analyzed reality.






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  • Uniwersytet Zielonogórski


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