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2019 | 2 | 139-152

Article title

The 80th anniversary of the life of Alfred Bączkowicz. Personality and musical achievements


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The encounter with a musical personality almost immediately raises the question about “the roots” i.e. where he comes from, whom he studied with, who was his master and what educational tradition or “school” he belongs to, and above all, in what environment of musical inspiration he grew up and what group of artists he represents. Providing answers to these questions makes it easier to identify ourselves with the person and experience an emotional connection with the creativity presented, i.e. with the achievements and even with the way of evaluating different kinds of musical creativity. Alfred Bączkowicz is an extraordinary personality in the Opole music community. Celebrating his 80th birthday in December 2019, he was a long-time organist at the Opole Cathedral who has influenced the environment of church musicians in Upper Silesia, a pedagogue, a distinguished teacher of harmony and theoretic subjects, and a teacher of several generations of musicians, graduates of the State Primary and Secondary Music Schools in Opole and the Diocesan Institute of Church Music in Opole (formerly the School of Church Music). In each of these fields, his professional work encompasses more than 40 years of solid and dedicated work. The effectiveness of his pedagogical activity is highlighted by the title of “professor” frequently used by students and graduates. In his case, it is not only a polite phrase customarily derived from secondary schools, but it indicates his achievements and the way of his actual influence and a fact of being a mentor predominantly in the field of harmony. In addition, Alfred Bączkowicz has been a composer of many liturgical hymns and melodies, an author of respected harmonic arrangements and co-editor of chorales which are important for the Silesian tradition of church music, i.e. harmonic arrangements of church hymns for organists. These activities demonstrate his personality, and above all his human sensitivity, kindness and readiness to sacrifice himself. For these reasons the name “Bączkowicz” says a lot among the musicians of Upper Silesia and in other parts of Poland as well (K. Grytz-Jurkowska 2017: 36-37). Therefore, it is academically justified to ask about his roots, the beginnings of his musical path, the people who he met on the path of his life and who had an impact on the formation of his attitudes and passions that place him in a certain perspective almost for his entire life. This text is an attempt to find answers for the aforementioned questions that arise from meeting and getting to know the person and musical achievements of Alfred Bączkowicz. The complete text consists of several points covering his biography, organist’s service, pedagogue’s work, involvement in diocesan commissions, participation in the work of editorial teams and his compositional work, with a particular emphasis on the Mass in F major.



  • Katedra Muzykologii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego


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