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2016 | 59/118 z. 2 | 91-105

Article title

Historie alternatywne w literaturze polskiej: typologia, tematyka, funkcje


Title variants

Alternate History in Polish Literature: Typology, Subject Matter, Functions

Languages of publication



Alternate history, the type of fiction which describes worlds in which history developed differently than in reality, is often depreciated as a subgenre of science–fiction. Yet Polish alternate history novels are in reality an interesting commentary on polish culture, history and memory. In this paper I present the subject–matter of Polish alternate history novels, their functions and their relevance to Polish culture. In the first part I describe the history of counterfactual thinking and historians’ attitude towards it. In the second part, I emphasize that there are two types of alternate history. I name them “non-fiction” and “fiction”. Next, I provide the definition of alternate history. In the third part of the article I describe functions of alternate history novels. These functions show clearly that they are not created for entertainment only. On the contrary, they comment on important features of Polish culture.





Physical description




  • Zakład Historii Literatury i Kultury Amerykańskiej Instytutu Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego


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