In the article the ways of individualization of teaching children with special educational needs are justified. It is determined that the process of individuation involves the ongoing monitoring of the promotion of students, adapting materials and activities, receiving information from families, interaction with children, the purpose of which is to support their development. It should not be forgotten that it is impossible to teach all students in the same way, and therefore individualization and differentiation also refer to interactive learning (practice in action, teaching others, immediate creative application of acquired knowledge). A prerequisite of individualized learning is the study of the characteristics of students that relate to the functioning of the nervous system and brain, the health status, needs, interests and abilities; general and subject knowledge and skills, learning abilities, etc. The ways to achieve individualization of education are designing a study plan and individual development programs; preparation of individual curricula; differentiated instruction. Development of the individual educational plan involves a deep study of the child and the selection of such a methodological support, which would take into account the psycho-pedagogical conclusion and make learning in the school as close as possible to the needs of the child. Thorough designing of the individual educational program will provide an opportunity to master the course material according the child’s abilities and carry out achievements assessment adequately. The experience of recent years shows that the best effective means of implementing individualization of the learning process that provides the most favorable conditions for the child (in the selection of the appropriate level of difficulty of educational material, compliance with the didactic principles of accessibility, affordability and practical focus) is the differentiated instruction. The attention is focused on the coverage of different technologies of individualization of learning, including traditional intensive learning, cooperative learning, creating situations of success. The author stresses that the practical value of individualized learning is to provide the highest possible fruitful work of all students, including those with special educational needs.