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2017 | 53 | 1-2 | 111-126

Article title

Pistiros’ Hoard of Sealings, III: Sealings Reflecting Greek Sculpture and Minor Arts at the Time of Alexander the Great

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The third article on sealings revealed at Pistiros in Bulgaria in 2012 analysis those linked directly to proper Greek models. Most of the items carry two imprints, apparently signatures of partners of document confirming a contract or deal, the archive of them kept with a “notary”. The archive of contracts was hidden in a vaulted oven to be protected at the time of fire destruction of the emporium at ca. 310 BC. The majority of subjects represented on the sealings discussed here show reflections of popular works of leading sculptors of the age; a smaller part reflects contemporary terracotta and bronze figurines of characters of Middle and Late Comedy and two Egyptiazing subjects might reflect the Ptolemaic domain in Thrace.


  • Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Classical Archaeology, Celetná 20, Prague 1, 110 00 Czech Republic


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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